About Us

Welcome to the Sapulpa Daily Herald, your source for the latest news and updates in Sapulpa, Oklahoma, and Creek County. We are proud to be a bi-weekly newspaper, delivering the Weekday Edition and the Weekend Edition to keep you informed and engaged with your community.

Your Local Connection

The Sapulpa Daily Herald is more than just a newspaper; we are your local connection to the stories, events, and people that shape Sapulpa and Creek County. Our mission is to provide you with accurate, timely, and relevant news, keeping you in the know about the matters that impact your daily life.

Serving the Community

With a rich tradition of serving our community, the Sapulpa Daily Herald has been a trusted source of information for residents of Sapulpa and beyond. Whether you’re looking for breaking news, feature stories, or updates on local events, you can count on us to be your go-to source for information.

Contact Us

We value your feedback and encourage you to reach out to us with your questions, comments, and story ideas. Our Contact Us page is the perfect place to get in touch, and we’re here to listen to your input and suggestions.

Privacy Policy

Protecting your privacy is of utmost importance to us. To understand how we handle your data and ensure your online experience with the Sapulpa Daily Herald is secure, please review our Privacy Policy.

Thank you for choosing the Sapulpa Daily Herald as your source for local news and information. Join us in staying connected with the community, and let us continue to be your trusted guide to the stories that matter most. We look forward to keeping you informed with our Weekday and Weekend Editions.