What’s A Good Substitute For Baking Soda?

Baking soda is a versatile kitchen item many of us turn to when we’re in the middle of a baking job or need a quick way to clean the house. But what do you do when you run out of this reliable white powder? Don’t worry, you probably already have a lot of great alternatives in your home. In this article, we’ll talk about alternatives to baking soda and how to use them successfully.

What Is Baking Soda?

Baking soda is a very popular and important ingredient for baking. It is a real workhorse for baking, giving baked goods their lift, fluffiness, golden brown color, and sweet caramelized taste. Baking soda is an alkaline chemical product, which means it is not acidic. It is a base because it reacts with acidic ingredients to make carbon dioxide. It is also called sodium bicarbonate and is found naturally. It is usually sold as a powder.

What Does Baking Soda Do?

Baking soda is used as a leavening agent in baked goods because, when cooked with an acid like buttermilk, yogurt, or lemon juice, it releases carbon dioxide, which gives cookies, cakes, muffins, quick breads, and other baked goods their lift and fluffy texture. Because baking soda is alkaline and not acidic, it needs the acid to do its job, which includes coloring and caramelizing, which makes tasty treats.

A Good Substitute For Baking Soda

Here are some substitute for baking soda:

1. The Best Baking Soda Substitute: Baking Powder

Baking powder is the best thing you can use instead of baking soda. They are both leavening agents that work similarly but are not the same thing (baking soda is about three times stronger). Substitution works better when making something with a lot of sugar and a thick texture because the ingredients can make different textures when used alone.

How to Substitute: If your recipe says to use one teaspoon of baking soda, then use three.

2. Self-Rising Flour

Self-rising flour is a mix of all-purpose flour, baking powder, and salt that makes baked goods rise without needing a separate leavening ingredient. If you bake bread, you might have this item already.

How to Substitute: To use self-rising flour instead of baking soda in a baking recipe, swap the amount of self-rising flour called for in the recipe with the amount of regular flour. Then, figure out how much baking powder you added, considering each cup has 1 1/2 teaspoons. Once you know how much baking powder you’ve added, check the original recipe to see how much baking soda was called for. Next, make sure you use three times as much baking powder as the amount of soda called for in the recipe. For example, if your recipe calls for 2 cups of flour and one teaspoon of baking soda, you’re done once you’ve added 2 cups of self-rising flour and three teaspoons or one tablespoon of baking powder.

3. Whipped Egg Whites

Egg whites that have been beaten can give your recipe shape and help it rise. They work better as a replacement for baking powder but can also be used instead of baking soda in a pinch.

How to Replace: To replace baking soda with whipped egg whites, add two whipped egg whites for every teaspoon of baking soda called for in the recipe. First, you must measure the whites by weight or volume because you don’t want the whites to add more liquid to the mix. Once weighed, take their weight or volume away from the liquid called for in the recipe. For example, if the egg whites are about two tablespoons, take two tablespoons away from the liquid called for in the recipe. Then, whip the whites until they form stiff peaks and gently fold them by hand into the batter or dough at the end of mixing so as not to break them. When making cookies that call for eggs but no liquid, you can separate the eggs, whip the whites until they form stiff peaks, and then gently fold them in.

4. Club Soda

Baking soda can be replaced with club soda, which is just water to which carbon dioxide has been added. And just like baking soda’s carbon dioxide, the carbon dioxide in club soda will help your cooked goods rise and grow in the oven.

How to Substitute: To use club soda instead of baking soda, replace 1/4 cup of the liquid in the mix with 1/4 cup. Once you add the club soda, work quickly to mix and put the baked good in the oven. The bubbles will start popping as soon as you add the club soda, so the sooner you put your treat in the oven, the sooner the bubbles can do their magic.

5. Potassium carbonate

Potassium bicarbonate can be used instead of baking soda because it has the same ability to make things rise. It’s a dietary product that comes in pill form. The only thing that makes it different from baking soda is that it has no salt.

How to Substitute: You can replace baking soda with potassium bicarbonate using the same amount. You will need to add more salt to the mix, though. You should add one-third of a teaspoon of salt for every teaspoon of potassium bicarbonate.

6. Baker’s ammonia

Ammonium carbonate, also called “baker’s ammonia,” is another good replacement for baking soda.
It’s important to history because it was one of the main chemicals used to make bread rise in the 13th century. In modern baking, it was eventually replaced by baking powder and baking soda, but it is still used sometimes today. Baker’s ammonia makes baked goods crispier, which is especially nice in some treats, like thin, crisp cookies or crackers.

How to Substitute: Add the same amount to your mix to use baker’s ammonia instead of baking soda.

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